

Scientific representation

NDSRIs control: understanding the global regulations and testing requirements

Time: Thursday, April 03, 2025 (09:20 - 09:45)


Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Tuan

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Tuan received his PhD in Chemistry at University of Innsbruck, Austria in 1997. Research fields: (i) Standardization of drug substances and drug products to enlist into the Vietnamese Pharmacopoeia; (ii) Development of instrumental methods for analysis of active ingredients, metabolites, biomarkers, natural compounds, residue of pesticides and antibiotics, and adulterants; (iii) Synthesis, standardization, and application of chiral selectors for analysis of enantiomer drugs by CE and LC; (iv) Preparation, extraction, isolation and establishment of biologically active compounds as reference standards for quality control of bulk drugs, finished products, and healthy supplements; (v) Study on quality control of compounding; (vi) Quality control of bio-similar products; (vii) Study on metabolomics of natural products in medicinal plants. 

Principle investigator and main researcher: 13 completed projects granted by the State and Ho Chi Minh City. The list of publications includes 234 publications in internationally and nationally refereed journals and conference contributions. Member of the Vietnamese Pharmacopea Commitee (IV, V, VI). Principle/Member editor: 2 monographs and 6 textbooks.