

Scientific representation

Single- and multi-block chemometric strategies for metabolomics and food quality control

Time: Wednesday, April 02, 2025 (14:20 - 14:45)


Prof.Dr. Federico Marini

Born in Rome on March 9, 1977, prof. Marini received his MSc from Sapienza University of Rome in 2000 where he also completed his PhD in 2004. During his PhD, he was awarded a three-month Marie Curie training fellowship, at the National Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia) under the supervision of prof. Marjana Novic. After four years of Post-Doc (2004-2008), in 2008 he was appointed Researcher at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where, from 2018 to 2021, he was associate professor and he is currently full professor of Analytical Chemistry. In 2006, he was awarded the Young Researcher Prize from Italian Chemical Society and in 2012 he won the Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Award “for his achievements in chemometrics”. He has been visiting researcher in various Universities (Copenhagen, Stellenbosch, Silesia, Lille) and research institutes (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia; Nofima, Norway; Irstea, France). His research activity is focused on all aspects of chemometrics, ranging from the application of existing methods to real world problems in different fields to the design and development of novel algorithms. He is the author of more about 300 publications between papers in international journals and book chapters, and in 2013 he edited and coauthored the book Chemometrics in food chemistry (Elsevier). He is member of the Editorial boards of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Analytica Chimica Acta, J. of Chemometrics, J. of NIR Spectroscopy, J. of Spectral Imaging and he serves as Associate Editor for Chemometrics in Wiley’s Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. He is the past-coordinator of the Chemometric group of the Italian Chemical Society, and currently the vice-president of Italian NIR society and the coordinator of the Chemometric task group of EUCheMS.

His research work is mainly focused on all the different aspects of chemometrics, particularly with regard to both the development of new methods and algorithms and to the application of models to solve real problems. A substantial part of the research focuses on the possibility of making profitable use of the coupling between different instrumental analytical techniques (possibly non-invasive/non-destructive, and not requiring any sample pretreatment, such as NIR spectroscopy) and appropriate chemometric tools for the development of innovative methods of analysis (especially in the food fields). In parallel, omics studies (in particular, metabolomics) are also carried out through the chemometric processing of data coming from different platforms. Another relevant aspect is the development of novel chemometrics methods, where particular interest has been directed to non-linear approaches (especially based on the locally-linear modeling paradigm), on the analysis of multivariate data coming from designed experiments, on the analysis of microscopic and/or hyperspectral images and on the possibility of integrating/fusing multiple data matrices through multi-block modeling.